Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I love music, so I decided to write a few things about Music today. I often wish I could see what the future will bring, because new sounds always are exciting.
I can only guess how you and I will experience music in a few years down the road. I would hope how we will listen to recorded music and how artists will be compensated for their efforts. Streaming music has completely changed the landscape in the past few years. So much of the illegal downloading is less of a threat in my opinion. In the past, it was far easier and cheaper to download music illegally than legally, but now listeners are able to enjoy music through services that are relatively inexpensive convenient and easy to use. Better yet they work great for selection and variety and even offer up similar artists that you never heard of before. Thanks to streaming services record labels are able to make money again. Which of course is good for everyone. I wish these profits were being shared fairly with artists and optimistic they will be soon.